Saturday, April 27, 2024

Why Palestinian Children Are Dying and How to Stop It


I would like to begin by saying that as a follower of Yeshua (Jesus), I am opposed to violence on both sides of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. I see every life as a gift of God and precious, especially the innocent lives of children. Yeshua taught us that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the children and that it is better for those who hurt children in any way to never have been born as their judgment by God will be very severe.

I also believe that both peoples have the right to live in the land between "The River and the Sea" in peace and that both need to accept the right of the other to existence and self-determination, but that cannot happen as long as one calls for the destruction of the other.

That is why I see groups such as Hamas and their violent ideology as the root of the problem. No one knows Hamas and what they truly stand for better than the one who was raised among them, who is in fact the son of one of its founders and leaders. In his book, "Son of Hamas" and in multiple interviews he has given over the years, Mosab Hassan Yousef, reveals in horrifying details how he was treated by Hamas as a child (including rape at the age of 5 for which he would be sentenced to death if he revealed it to his father and multiple beatings) and how Hamas uses Palestinian children and their deaths as a strategy of war against Israel and their plan to kill all Jews and then claim all the land "From The River To The Sea", which is what the slogan "From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free" truly means.

He also reveals how Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other radical Islamist groups supported by Islamic Republic of Iran, are instigating acts of violence against not just Israeli soldiers, but also civilians including children, as was seen on the October 7th Massacre, in hopes of provoking Israel to violent response in which they know that many of their own civilians, including children, will die. In their minds, it is a necessary sacrifice they have to make for their goal of delegitimizing and destroying Israel to come to pass, so they purposely put them in danger and then photograph their dead bodies using them for political and personal financial gain.

To stop this cycle of violence, we must press our political leaders to stop sending money to and stop all dealings with the Islamic Republic of Iran and all terrorist groups such as Hamas. If anyone really cares about the Palestinian children, they have to call Hamas to account for abusing them and using them as human shields for their ideological purposes.

We also must call upon the leaders of the Palestinian people to stop instigating the violence and accept the right of Israel to exist, as without it, peace will never be possible. That so-called "armed Palestinian resistance" did nothing for the Palestinian people except to bring upon them more misery, suffering, and death for the past 70 + years.  Palestinian people, and especially their children, deserve to live in peace, security, and prosperity and their leaders have not provided it for them, for which they need to be held to account both by the Palestinian people and the International Community.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Looming Global Financial Disaster: Have You Set Your Financial House in Order?

 This is an update on the article I wrote here four years ago, about the coming global financial crisis based on geopolitical forecast of a very well known American geopolitical analyst, Peter Zeihan, who at the beginning of this year published a book titled " The End of The World Is Just A Beginning."

Based on the global demographic situation, he predicted that beginning in 2022 as the largest portion of the baby boom generation begins to retire on mass, and start to take out money that they have been investing for decades, out of the global financial system, the cheap credit and an artificial bubble created by those investments would end. I therefore advised my readers to set their financial houses in order, just as I had done by paying off debts and learning to live within and even below their means.

Now, that we are at the end of 2022, I thought that it would be good to revisit those predictions. Well, it seems like unforeseen events such as the global COVID-19 pandemic and Russian war against Ukraine, just accelerated those predictions.

We are witnessing high levels of inflation all around the world, including the wealthy developed nations such as the United States and Canada. It is partially due to incredible amount of money printing that the central banks have done to give relief to those affected by the pandemic shut downs, but the pandemic also forced many baby boomers into retirement earlier than they would have otherwise done, thus creating this reverse financial tsunami of taking out money out of the financial system.

To counteract the inflation those same central banks, began to increase interest rates, making the cost of loans much more expensive. It is good news though to those of us who don't have debts as we earn more interest money on our savings.

Since it is a long-term problem, we can expect this trend to continue over the next four years. In fact, Peter Zeihan predicts that thins won't really get better until 2040's and only if things go well. So, if you still have not set your financial house in order, then do it now. Get rid of debt because it will only get more and more expensive. Learn to be content with less stuff, most of which you don't need anyway, so you will be prepared for that much tougher future that is ahead of us.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Biblical Interpretation of Jordan Peterson's Dream: JBP in The Rink With Satan

 I have been observing Dr. Jordan B. Peterson since 2016, when I saw a story about him on CBC

news. In that story, he has been shown shouting during a protest against him on the campus of the university of Toronto where he worked as a tenured professor. What has not been shown, however, was that he came out to talk to the "protestors", but they unplugged his speaker and mike, so that he would not be heard and that is why he was shouting.

He has been portrayed as an unhinged anti LGBTQ personality allied with the alt right white supremacist groups. I didn't know anything at all about him back then, but something just did not sit right with me about the way he was being portrayed by the media, so I did my own research by visiting his You Tube channel to find out who he really is and what is it that he is actually saying.

He had a good foresight to publish all his ideas there in form of videos with his lectures and his concerns with Canadian bill C-16 that would effectively force everyone to use the pronouns they chose for themselves even those made up ones. It so happened that Dr. Peterson  as a Clinical Psychologist and Social Scientist with a very sound scientific publication record, was also interested in how the most deadly dictatorships of the 20th century developed and how they could compel ordinary people to participate in committing crimes against humanity.

What he discovered was that the governments in the countries where they developed such as Nazi Germany and Soviet Union, gradually restricted freedom of speech, intimidated, and later imprisoned and killed all who would dare to speak out against their ideology or actions. So, while Dr. Peterson as a classical liberal was opposed to any form of discrimination and prejudice, including against people from LGBTQ communities, he saw government forcing people by law to use words they didn't want to use as a dangerous precedent that could be abused in the future and warned the government and the public against it for this reason.

In the detailed analysis of this bill and other similar laws in Canada, he warned that the vague wording could lead to very lax interpretations of these laws and cause Canadians to lose their jobs and have their reputations destroyed simply because someone has misinterpreted something they have said or not said, or be persecuted for refusing to do or say something that is against their conscience ( freedom of conscience is one of the rights protected by the Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms) and that it would stifle any open dialog in our society around important issues creating a very unhealthy climate.

In the years since, Dr. Peterson became a voice of reason and hope in an intensifying culture war that we are now witnessing. His warnings came true as we began to see serious academics, actors, and politicians "cancelled" from social media platforms, suspended, and even fired from their jobs for so much as criticizing any ideas that have become politically correct. We are seeing social media  and traditional media companies trying to silence anyone who does not agree with their ideology.

In one of his then very popular Biblical series lectures where he was analyzing Bible stories from psychological perspective, Dr. Peterson shared a vivid dream he had the meaning of which he said he could not understand. In this dream, he saw himself in the middle of ancient Roman theatre like arena and Satan there ready to fight with him. He was naturally terrified and asked God why would He let Satan to fight him like that and God answered : "Because I knew you would win."

I could immediately understand the dream perfectly, especially after all the recent events. Dr. Peterson has been drawn  on his spiritual journey more into the Bible and Christianity and its core teachings about humanity being created in the image of God and the individual freedoms and dignity that come from that.  For this he has drawn to himself Satan's attention and all the personal attacks from the media and politicians controlled by the spirit of antichrist have been the fight depicted in the dream.

We know from the Bible that Satan is planning to create a global dictatorship that will one day be controlled by him through the Beast. This is the same spirit that was animating the blood lust of the Roman Empire when it devolved into dictatorship. Western civilization developed out of the ashes of the Roman Empire mixed with strong Christian influence, so the spirit of Christ and that of the Antichrist had been struggling for pre-eminence within it for ages.

Following WWII, the emphasis on individual freedoms and the dignity of each person in the West, allowed for extended period of peace and prosperity such as the world has never seen before. With this freedom also came freedom for Christians to preach the gospel to every nation on earth and to help lift poorer nations out of poverty, so for this reason Satan aims at destroying the Western civilization by destroying these values to create his global dominance, but it looks like God is raising some unexpected people such as Jordan Peterson to delay Satan's plans. This is very good news. While as Christians we need to get stronger and better prepared for persecution that is inevitably coming down the road, it looks like we might be given some extra time. Let's pray for Dr. Peterson and others like him who seek the Truth to be filly guided into it and thank God for their courage and commitment to our fundamental God given rights.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

What Can We Expect in 2021?

After all the commotion and disruption that 2020 brought about, we are all cautiously optimistic about the coming year 2021. Personally, I did not have any prophetic dreams or words specific for this year, but I do have some biblically educated guesses and the sense that the "shaking" will continue, though many things might get better.

We might see the pandemic at least begin to wind down as greater number of people gain immunity to  Coronavirus causing Covid-19 either through developing antibodies in the course of illness or through vaccinations if they are found safe and successful.

The good news is that from the beginning of the pandemic the death rate has not increased. It remains around 2% even in the countries with the greatest numbers of infections. Nearly one year into it the death toll is not nearly as big as that of the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, which killed more than 50 million people in 1- 2 years while the world population was much smaller than it is now. As of today, globally, out of more than 83 million people infected, only 1.8 million have died. In addition in many of these deaths, Covid-19 was only one factor that led to their deaths and not always its main cause.

This  by no means does lessen the loss of these lives, but it is important to put them into a larger perspective. Covid-19 could be dangerous to people with serious health issues and those with low immune systems and should be treated seriously. Our individual efforts to slow its spread are very important, but this crisis is not as big as many seem to paint it. We need to be responsible, but we should not live in fear. The lockdowns will have to end soon as there is not much evidence that they make that much difference. The country of Sweden was initially criticized for refusing to institute a full lockdown. Instead they asked their citizens to observe physical distancing and to avoid any large gatherings. The schools and businesses remained open, but their death rate and number of infections is not that much higher and in fact lower than in many other countries. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned here.

On the political front, the division sharpened by the most recent elections in the United States will continue to cause upheaval in that country. The political bias of the media and tech giants must end if the public in the U.S. and around the world is to have any confidence in them and the fairness of political process. We must pray that this problem will continue to be confronted and that it will be dealt with one way or another. The Islamic Republic Regime in Iran is in crisis with its leader about to die, so it is desperate to start a new war in hopes of staying in power, we must pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters inside Iran, that God will deal justice on their behalf.

There are also rumors that Pope Francis is about to step down, which was in fact predicted by Tom Horn during the online Defender Conference in November. Tom Horn has correctly predicted the stepping down of Pope Benedict well before it happened and now he is saying that Pope Francis will either step down or "be removed" from office. Tom Horn speculates that whoever will replace him might be the last Pope. I guess we will see if he is correct or not sometime in 2021.

Whatever is in store in 2021, as believers in Jesus, we can be sure of one thing. He will be with us in it, both good and bad, and He will be working everything for our good, so we don't need to be anxious. Despite its challenges, I have many things to be thankful for this year and so are many of you. May we  all be blessed in 2021 and draw even nearer to our Lord and Savior in these tumultuous times.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Were The Prophets Wrong About American Presidential Elections 2020?

 Nearly every Christian prophetic voice in America, prophesied that Donald J. Trump will win the elections and be

re-elected to serve as President for the second term. Today, Joe Biden is projected as winner, unless the allegations of voter fraud are proven true and they are large enough to change the election outcome. This is still possible, however, even if Joe Biden does win, it does not necessarily mean that all Christians who said that they heard from God that Donald Trump will have a second term are wrong, and here is why.

The Bible teaches us patterns and is a  spiritual standard against which we must judge all prophecy. In the Bible, we see two types of prophecies. The first type is the one in which God shows us what His will is for the future, but the outcome is still dependent on our actions, and the ones in which He pulls the veil of time away and shows us what actually will happen in the future.

America is a democratic country in which the majority of Americans decide who is going to be their President by voting. This means that the outcome of Presidential elections in America depend on the will of majority of Americans. God respects the free will He has given us, so He will not force anyone to vote for one candidate or another against their will.

I believe that the prophecies given to Christians regarding this election were of the first type. They were revealing His will, but were conditional upon the actions and decisions of American people. God was showing many Americans and believers from other nations who pray for America, what His will for this election was, so that they would pray for discernment for the American people, but there were enough Americans ( if there was indeed no voter fraud) who voted against that vision and rejected God's will for their nation, and they will need to face the consequences of the decisions made by the leaders that they have chosen. This is indeed  is what Jonathan Cahn was warning America against in His book, "Harbinger II". He was not projecting a winner, but he was saying that if majority of American voters chose the candidate with ungodly platform, then God would no longer have a reason to protect America from the overdue judgment that is coming, but even when this happens, God will always protect those who were faithful to Him even in the midst of judgment.

It is also possible that God is going to bring His will to pass in a different way that people expected as theoretically Donald Trump could run for President again in 2024 and be elected for his second term if enough Americans will not be happy with what Biden administration will do or not do during the next four years. I guess, we will see about that when the election results officially come in this year or in 2024.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Dreams of The Future: Donald J. Trump Re-elected President Of the United States

 Sometimes God can give us glimpses of the future through our dreams, but we can know only after the fact if it was indeed God showing us the future, or whether the dream was just the product of our mind alone. In my 21 years of  walking with God, I had many dreams that turned out to be indeed glimpses of the future.

With the very heated presidential race ongoing in America right now, people around the world are wondering who is going to win this race as the person in charge of United States presidency will make decisions that will impact the security and future of not just America, but also many other nations.

Back in September of this year, I had a dream, or rather a dream vision, in which I saw News broadcast stating that Donald J. Trump was re-elected President of United States. This is in line with many prophetic voices (including late Kim Clement), in America and around the world, who saw that it was appointed for Donald Trump to be president for two terms (No one mentioned though if those would be consecutive terms). However, I must say that God's will does not automatically happen on earth, so the outcome of this election is still conditional upon the actions and decisions of the American people, and especially the American Church.

Another prominent prophetic voice in America, Jonathan Cahn, warned that if Donald Trump will not be re-elected, then America will enter a period of judgment and will lose (possibly for good) its position of prominence among the nations that it was given due to God's blessing upon it following WWII. The good news though is that even if this happens, God will still protect those who are trusting in Him even in the midst of judgment, but the direction that Donald Trump would take the nation in during his second term would buy America and the rest of the world extra time.

I wrote before how the prophetic number 70 was connected to Trump's first election as President and to Israel. During his time in office, Jerusalem was recognized for the first time as the capital of Israel and through the diplomacy of Trump's team, many Arab nations that were hostile to Israel are normalizing relations with it. If this continues, there might be an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity coming to the Middle East.

This is definitely a moment of crossroads in history, hinging on the decision that American people will collectively make on November, 3rd. May God's will prevail.

Author's 2024 Update: This dream will yet again be tested in November as Donald Trump is once again running for President of The United States this year.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Christian ''Purity Culture": Why Christians Are Concerned About Sexual Immorality

 Our modern culture is obsessed with sex. Since the "sexual revolution" of the  1960s we are bombarded by the message that there is no such thing as a sexual sin. What was once considered sexually immoral  has been normalized. 


We are bombarded by messages of tolerance and acceptance towards extramarital sex, but it would be wise to consider what are the consequences.

Jesus told us to judge everything by its "fruits" while the world tells us that we should not judge anything, so what are the fruits of sexual revolution?

One would think that now that people have access to sex without any constraints and judgments that they would be satisfied, but take a quick look around and you will see that people are less sexually satisfied than ever. People go from partner to partner, but they are never happy. The number of children raised without fathers or mothers is ever increasing and according to multiple studies these children are at greater risk for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and even suicide. Why?

To us Christians, who believe that the Bible is a text inspired by God and given to us as a guide on how to live a godly life, the answer is clear. The so called "free sex" outside the loving committed married relationship is empty and unsatisfying. To us sex is not bad or forbidden, but it is something that is holy and precious. It is given to us by God, so that we can not only procreate, but also that we could experience  total unity in spirit, soul, and body with our spouse. It is an ultimate expression of love and commitment  and it gets ever deeper and more satisfying with the passing years. People in healthy lifelong marriage relationships experience the kind of sex that promiscuous people who keep changing partners only can dream of, but never have.

When God tells us that we should wait with sex until marriage, He does not try to rob us of joy and pleasure. He just wants to make sure that we get something better and deeper than a passing thrill and possibly  an STD, not to mention that feeling of worthlessness  and emptiness that one gets after a one night stand.Each one of us has to make  a choice. Do we want to have sex God's way and enjoy its blessings for decades or do we want it the world's way? Just look at the lives of those who propose that "free sex".Sadly even some Christians who defended Christian marriage and encouraged young people to wait with sex until marriage are now apologizing for being "judgmental" and not surprisingly divorcing their wives of many years...but this is the fruit of  "free sex", divorce and the dissolution of the fabric of society that comes with it.

I chose God's way over 20 years ago and I never looked back. Marriage is a blessing and it is worth to wait and to keep it holy. Remember, there is nothing wrong with sex itself.  It is good. Just like a knife is a very useful tool when properly used in a kitchen to prepare food, but deadly when used as a weapon.

As Christians we are free to hold our own moral standards. In democratic societies we are guaranteed the freedom of conscience and no one  should be allowed to try to impose their morality on us, just as we do not impose it on other people. We are simply saying that "free sex" is not really free from its consequences and we have a right to point it out.

Now some Christian communities have a very legalistic approach to this that can be very unhealthy. They equate sex with sin, and do not allow young people of the opposite sex to have any relationships with one another at all, not even platonic friendships, which is a big mistake in my opinion because through these pure friendships people learn how to relate to one another. The best marriages are based on true friendships. Young people who are not allowed to have them miss on valuable experience that will help their future married relationships to be successful. Too much emphasis on early marriage  without this experience can also lead to unhappiness and divorce.

It is therefore very important to have a godly, but balanced approach to this. Learn from those who are happily married. It is possible with God''s help to have a happily ever after. What it takes is a love of God in your heart. Your ability to love someone despite their imperfections, so that they can extend that same love towards you. It's not about someone making you happy, but about two people doing what they can to make each other happy.